Bread still in your kitchen shelf not using yet? no need to through bread anymore here is one simple recipe bread upma. This one is my husband's favorite recipe whenever he see bread in shelf he will tell make bread upma. For him I add scrambled egg with it but here I prepared veg bread upma that very tasty and spicy.
Bread slice : 8
Chopped onion : 1 ½tbsp
Chopped tomato : 1 ½tbsp
Chopped capsicum : 1 ½tbsp
Chopped carrot : 1 ½tbsp
Green chilli : 2 (chopped)
Chilli powder : ½ tsp
Mustard seed : ¾ tsp
Tomato ketchup : 2-3 tsp
Oil : 1 tbsp
Cut bread into small square pieces and toast (you can toast bread first then make small pieces)
Heat oil in a pan and add mustard seed
When mustard seed begin to splutter add all vegetables to it and saute for 2-3 minute (you can add your fav veggies)
Then add salt and chilli powder into it saute for 1 minute
Add tomato ketchup to it and mix properly. Serve hot
Bread upma
Resna's tasty home.
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