Rice pudding
Pudding is one of my favorite item and I like to do experiments on it. Here is one of my experiment with leftover cooked white rice. You can use uncooked rice also because I know all will not have leftover rice every time. Here I gives both leftover rice and uncooked rice measurement so you can use either.
rice (kaima/jeera/ basmati rice ) : ½ cup
(or you can use leftover cooked white rice : 1 ½ cup )
Milk : 1 litre
Condensed milk : ½ cup
Egg : 2
Sugar : 2 ½ tbsp
Vanilla powder : 1 tsp
chopped apple : ½ cup
Sliced cashew nuts : 2 tsp
Raisin and cashew nuts : 2 tsp
1. Cook rice in 3 ½ cup of milk (or cook leftover cooked white rice in milk till it become soft)
2. Add sugar and condensed milk into it and continuously stir to become thick
3. In a bowl beat egg and keep aside
4. In a separate pan boil ½ cup of milk and add this into beaten egg (continuously stir egg while adding milk)
5. Then add this into rice mixture stir well
6. Add sliced cashew nuts, apple and vanilla powder cook for 5 minute
7. Grease a casting bowl and pour rice mixture into it decorate with raisins and cashew nuts
8. Cook this in steamer for 15-20 minute and let it cool
9. Once cooled keep in refrigerator and serve cold
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